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Is Cyber Security Your Next Career: (ISC) Global Information Security Workplace Study

The recent (ISC) Global Information Security Workplace Study illustrates the issue of Filling the Cybersecurity Gap in stark detail. The report projects that the global information security workforce shortfall will reach 1.5 million workers in five years. 

The nearly 14,000 qualified information security professionals who took part in the study are already struggling with this: Only half believe their organization is capable of sufficiently discovering and recovering from a breach. 

As a result, only one-fifth indicate that they can complete remediation after a system or data compromise within a day (down from 33% in 2011). Other findings reveal additional, troubling developments: With an insufficient pool of avail-able, suitable job candidates, 62% of respondents say that their organization has too few information security professionals, up from 56% in 2013. 

Two-thirds are concerned about security technology “sprawl”—a significant increase in the number of tech products, vendors and management consoles, leaving 64% of respondents saying they face challenges in training in-house security personnel to “cover all of our technolog ies.”

Cybersecurity as a vocation continues to “go gray,” with fewer young people taking this career path. Just 6% of respondents were under age 30, and the average age was 42. More than three out of five are 40 or older.Education and training remain key, as many organizations are now recognizing. To retain current staffers, 61% of survey respondents said they need to offer training programs, and 59% said their company is willing to cover staffers’ professional security certification expenses.

In terms of the most in-demand skills required to respond to the threat landscape over the next three years—and thus critical areas of training focus—respondents ranked risk assessment and management at the top (55%); followed by incident investigation and response (52%); governance, risk management and compliance (48%); analytical skills (42%); and architecture (38%).

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